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3500 Gateway Drive Suite 105 Pompano Beach, FL 33069
(954) 784-0110
Please know that we will be pleased to discuss potential engagements with you, however, please do not send any confidential information until such time as we complete a conflict check.
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Magnus is frequently contacted to provide commentary on ongoing cases of local and national interest. While we are flattered to be approached for such commentary, it is our policy to refrain from agreeing to such interviews or inquiries. We sincerely wish that we could cooperate with these requests, however, Magnus, its employees and consultants are held to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct and are thus prevented from speaking with the media. Simply stated, Magnus’ clients are attorneys, and the work Magnus does is protected by the attorney-client and attorney work product doctrines.
These doctrines preclude Magnus from: (1) discussing topics that pertain to cases we have worked on in the past, are working on at the present time, or may work on in the future; and (2) disclosing whether we have worked on or are working on a particular case or for a particular attorney. As a result, Magnus’ policy does not permit the interview of any of its employees or consultants. There are no exceptions.