Magnus Online Research

Magnus offers Online Research for case evaluation. Utilizing state of the art online technologies, Magnus provides an assessment of case issues, including liability and damages. Magnus’ Trial Consultants work with the trial team to develop a research design that fits their case within the constraints of online research projects. Available methodologies are online mock trial research projects and online jury focus group research.

Verdict Perception™ (Online Mock Trial Research)

Verdict Perception™ is Magnus’ proprietary research methodology used to evaluate liability and/or damages via an online mock trial. Verdict Perception™ can be customized, depending the case specifics.  This methodology involves a minimum of 2 online deliberations groups of up to 8 participants per group. The participants view plaintiff and defense case presentations (most often pre-recorded) and exhibits.  Mock jurors answer survey questions and deliberate. Participants see and hear each other during deliberations in a secure research environment. The proceedings are recorded for analysis of results and client viewing. As with all of Magnus’ research methodologies, the participants are jury eligible citizens of the trial venue. Magnus prepares a written report based on the research results.  As compared to live mock jury research, online research has certain limitations which Magnus’ trial consultants will discuss with the trial team. 

Verdict Perception™ is customizable, depending the case specifics.

Issue Perception™ (Online Jury Focus Group Research)

Issue Perception™ is Magnus’ proprietary online jury focus group research methodology utilized to investigate individual and/or group responses to case issues. Magnus has developed 2 methods to study case issues. The first involves obtaining individual survey responses to case issues based on written or pre-recorded videos of case information. Participants respond in a self paced fashion in answering survey questions written by the trial consultant. Various sample size options are available.  The second involves a group of respondents who are assembled into an online jury focus group discussion. This can involve using participants from the individual surveys or conducted in as a stand alone jury focus group; multiple panels can be utilized as Issue Perception™ Research can be customized, depending the case specifics and issues. The proceedings are recorded for analysis of results and client viewing. As with all of Magnus’ research methodologies, the participants are jury eligible citizens of the trial venue. Magnus prepares a written report based on the research results.

Issue Perception™ is customizable, depending the case specifics.