
Magnus Research Consultants, Inc. has an affiliate corporation, Magnus Graphics, Inc. Magnus Graphics specializes in providing creative visual solutions to enhance case information presented at mediation, arbitration, or trial. Magnus Graphics’ consultants include graphic designers, medical illustrators, animators, photographers, and videographers, all of whom have a wealth of experience in their respective fields. Magnus Graphics works closely with Magnus Research Consultants to design visual information that decision makers need in order to reach an informed decision about the case. Attorneys who retain Magnus Graphics can be assured they will receive the excellent work product to which they have been accustomed in their work with Magnus Research Consultants.

Contact Magnus to obtain information about “Visual Insights for Successful Litigation”TM.

A reminder of the importance of primacy and recency effects. The primacy effect is the phenomenon of remembering information presented first. It results from increased rehearsal of early information when other, potentially distracting, information is not yet presented. The recency effect is enhanced memory for information presented last. Due to recent presentation, people can easily access the information from memory. Understanding primacy and recency effects are essential for attorneys when structuring a trial. To enhance jurors’ memory for important case facts, communicate key facts early, then emphasize them repeatedly to aid jurors’ rehearsal. Present “surprises” at the end of your case so that they will be remembered accurately.

Call Magnus’ memory experts for more information on maximizing jurors’ learning.

There are a myriad of graphics companies that provide exhibits for trial and other phases of litigation. As most attorneys know, demonstrative evidence ranges from simple document blow ups to artistic renderings of key case points, or to sophisticated electronic trial presentation systems. Regardless of whether the attorney uses boards or electronic exhibits, there are several characteristics that distinguish an excellent exhibit from an average exhibit. Characteristics of an excellent demonstrative exhibit are:

it commands the jurors’ attention;

it summarizes a point in a “snapshot” fashion;

it contains more pictorial representations of an idea than words;

it conveys only one central point, theme, or idea;

it relies on little text to convey a message;

the colors used are complementary and have a purpose (for example, green is the color of money); and

it can be easily seen, read, and comprehended from across a large courtroom.

A less than excellent demonstrative aid is noticeable because its use often involves an apology by the attorney (for example, “I know you can’t see this, but here is what it says…”). An excellent exhibit needs no apology because it conveys its message in a clear and concise manner jurors will appreciate.


Contact Magnus Graphics for preparation of excellent demonstrative evidence for your next trial, hearing, arbitration, or mediation.