Following is a list of articles that have been published by one or more of Magnus’ Directors. A full listing of publications is contained on the Directors’ curriculum vitaes, which are available to attorneys upon request; see feedback. To read the articles in PDF format, click read, below the citation. These articles are provided for educational purposes.
An exploratory study of personality differences in eyewitness memory
Bothwell, R.K., Brigham, J.C., & Pigott, M.A. (1987). An exploratory study of personality differences in eyewitness memory. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2 (3), 335-343.
Racial bias in juridic judgment at private and public levels
Bothwell, R.K., Pigott, M.A., Foley, L.A., & McFatter, R. (2006). Racial bias in juridic judgment at private and public levels. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(9), 2134-2149.
Opinions of attorneys and law enforcement personnel on the accuracy of eyewitness memory
Brigham, J.C., & WolfsKeil, (Pigott) M.A. (1983). Opinions of attorneys and law enforcement personnel on the accuracy of eyewitness memory. Law and Human Behavior, 7(4), 337-349.
Attorneys and jurors: Do they have anything in common?
Fauss, D.H., & Pigott, M.A. (1997). Attorneys and jurors: Do they have anything in common? Trial Diplomacy Journal, 20(3), 183-199.
Race, age, and jury decisions in a civil rape trial
Foley, L.A., & Pigott, M.A. (1997). Race, age, and jury decisions in a civil rape trial. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 15(1), 1-18.
The influence of forepersons and non-foreperson on mock jury decisions
Foley, L.A., & Pigott, M.A. (1997). The influence of forepersons and non-foreperson on mock jury decisions. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 15(4), 1-12.
Belief in a just world and jury decisions in a civil rape trial
Foley, L.A., & Pigott, M.A. (2000). Belief in a just world and jury decisions in a civil rape trial. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30 (5), 935-951.
Race, self presentation, and reverse discrimination in jury decisions
Foley, L.A., & Pigott, M.A. (2002) Race, self presentation, and reverse discrimination in jury decisions, American Journal of Forensic Psychology , 20 (3), 37-52.
A comparison of male and female dominated juries in a case of coerced sex with a male plaintiff
Hyme, H., Foley, L.A., & Pigott, M.A. (1999). A comparison of male and female dominated juries in a case of coerced sex with a male plaintiff. American Journal of Forensic Psychology , 17(3), 67-80.
Insiders’ views on jury decision making
Lambert, L., & Pigott, M.A. (2006). Insiders’ views on jury decision making. American Bar Association, Tort, Trial, & Insurance Practice, Aviation and Space Law Committee Newsletter (Fall) , 18-20.
Social psychology: Study guide
Leone, C., and Pigott, M.A. (1989). Social psychology: Study guide. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co., Inc.
Conduct voir dire wisely
Pigott, M.A. (May, 1997). Conduct voir dire wisely. Trial.
What the design professional needs to know about jury consultants
Pigott, M.A. (March, 2000). What the design professional needs to know about jury consultants. URL
Twenty-five common mistakes attorneys make in voir dire
Pigott, M.A. (2001). Twenty-five common mistakes attorneys make in voir dire. The Practical Litigator , 12 (1), 51-54.
Trial themes and analysis
Pigott, M.A. (2001). Trial themes and analysis. The Florida Bar News , August 15, 2001, 25.
The relationship of prior description and facial recognition
Pigott, M.A., & Brigham, J.C. (1985). The relationship of prior description and facial recognition. Journal of Applied Psycholog y, 70 (3), 547-555.
A field study on the relationship between quality of eyewitnesses’ descriptions and identification accuracy
Pigott, M.A., Brigham, J.C., & Bothwell, R.K. (1990). A field study on the relationship between quality of eyewitnesses’ descriptions and identification accuracy. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 17(2), 84-88.
Florida’s First Online Voir Dire: Some Observations. Daily Business Review
Pigott, M., & Fauss, D. (2020, September 21). Florida’s First Online Voir Dire: Some Observations. Daily Business Review. dailybusinessreview/2020/09/21/ floridas-first-online-voir-dire-some-observations/
The impact of personality and demographics on verdict in a civil rape case
Pigott, M.A., & Foley, L.A. (1995). The impact of personality and demographics on verdict in a civil rape case. Trial Diplomacy Journal, 18(3), 145-158.
Improve your success in voir dire: Understanding jurors’ personalities.
Pigott, M.A., & Foley, L.A. (1995). Improve your success in voir dire: Understanding jurors’ personalities. Trial Diplomacy Journal, 18(4), 197-204.
Social influence in jury decision making
Pigott, M.A., & Foley, L.A. (1995). Social influence in jury decision making. Trial Diplomacy Journal, 18(2), 101-108.
Individual and corporate responsibility in a sexual harassment lawsuit
Pigott, M.A., Foley, L.A. (1997). Individual and corporate responsibility in a sexual harassment lawsuit. Trial Diplomacy Journal, 20(6), 347-358.
The role of gender in sexual harassment litigation
Pigott, M.A., & Foley, L.A. (2000). The role of gender in sexual harassment litigation. The Trial Lawyer, 23(1), 49-58.
Enhancing fact witness effectiveness
Pigott, M.A., & Friedman, H. L. (1998). Enhancing fact witness effectiveness. The Trial Lawyer, 21(5), 309-320.
Social psychology: Instructor’s manual
Pigott, M.A., & Leone, C. (1989). Social psychology: Instructor’s manual. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co., Inc.
Recognition and recall independence in memory for faces
Pigott, M.A. (1983). Recognition and recall independence in memory for faces. Unpublished manuscript.
Florida’s class of ’76: Ten years later
Pigott, M.A., Myers, M.L., Cochran, C., McIntire, B.B., Gonzales, M.R., Cochran, P.L., & Coyle, N. (1986). Florida’s class of ’76: Ten years later. Unpublished manuscript.