Venue Experience
We Have Been, or We Will Go, Everywhere
Johnny Cash sang “I’ve Been Everywhere” and mentioned countless places he traveled throughout his career; Magnus’ team of trial consultants has been almost everywhere conducting mock trials and jury focus groups. Although Magnus Research Consultants and Magnus Graphics are based in Pompano Beach, Florida, we have provided mock trials, jury focus groups, voir dire consultation and more in most Florida counties, as well as throughout the United States. The trial consulting services we provide transcend venue.
Magnus’ co-founder and Director of Research, Dr. Melissa Pigott, has conducted jury research and consulted with attorneys and their clients all the way from Alaska to the U.S. Virgin Islands, and in many, many places in between. Magnus’ team members have worked in at least 25 states including, in addition to Florida, Alabama, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, USVI, Virginia, Washington DC.

Because Florida is Magnus’ home base, we have extensive experience in the state, having worked in over 50 of the 67 counties, as shown on the Florida map. Magnus is the Florida expert when it comes to trial consulting services.
Contact us for jury focus group research, mock trial research, trial graphics needs, and presentation technology regardless of the venue. Chances are, we have experience in the venue where your next case will be mediated, arbitrated, or tried. Magnus is ready to work on your case anywhere and everywhere. Whether a mock trial in Miami, a jury focus group in Jacksonville, a community attitude study in Pensacola, a bench trial in Tallahassee, or jury selection consultation in Fort Myers, we’re ready.
And, if you have a case in a new venue for Magnus, we will be happy to add the venue to the map! Keep in mind, our skills are portable – have skills will travel!

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